Stan Baston

Stan Baston hangs up his camera straps. Thanks for everything Stan.
You may or may not be aware that Stan Baston is a SuperStar! Re-printed below is the article that went into this week’s East Anglian Daily Times. But I’d like, if I may, add a small tribute myself to Stan.
When I became involved as Press Officer at Felixstowe & Walton I took over from Phil Griffiths who, I’m very pleased to say, didn’t tell me what to do. He let me find my own way forward which is usually the best way. I did, of course, need some guidance now and again and that’s where Stan comes into the picture.
Stan the Man and I would speak regularly on the phone exchanging ideas about which photos would best suit the match report, which types of photos The EADT liked the most and some tips on writing captions for those photos. We often discussed team formations and selection too. Probably best we were this side of the pitch barriers!
We met for coffee a number of times, often together with Phil and other photographers in the region. Stan was always passing on encouragement and popped round to my place once when I was struggling with some tech problems related to sending photo files to the press which somehow I couldn’t get sent. He’s a vey patient man!
The main point is that Stan is a true gentleman, he has a very positive outlook on life, is a well-read, intelligent man and has served this football club extremely well. I look forward to seeing him enjoying simply watching the games from the stands from now on.
From The EADT Tuesday 20thAugust 2019
We all know our local non-league football clubs cannot survive without the hard work and dedication from the bands of volunteers who give up their spare time. When people like this move away or retire we always wish them well, thank them for their hard work and pray we’ll be alright without them.
Stepping down from his role at Felixstowe & Walton this week is matchday photographer Stan Baston, known and respected by many in the region. ‘Stan The Man’ will certainly be missed but always made to feel welcome at the seaside. Fortunately, two able photographers, Tom Bradford and Dave Francis have come on board to fill Stan’s shoes
Stan’s involvement with the club started in 2013 when, turning up at the ground knowing no-one, he was approached by the then webmaster / press officer Phil Griffiths who said, pointing to a corner of the pitch, “If you fancy taking pics for us, that’s where you need to go.” Stan did as he was told and started going to every game straightaway.
Every job has its ups and downs. Away at Swaffham midweek in freezing winter conditions with driving rain, sat on a stool behind the goal isn’t one of Stan’s best memories. He told us, “It’s the banter with the fans, capturing the decisive moments, getting stuff in focus and showing photos to the players and their parents that makes it all worthwhile,” adding that watching the whole game from the stands and studying formations is what he’s looking forward to now.
The last word goes to club Vice Chairman Tony Barnes: “Stan Baston will be a very hard act to follow. He’s served the club fantastically over the last few years and helped put The Seasiders well and truly at the forefront of local non-league football with his fantastic photography. Always the gentleman, I sincerely hope he enjoys taking a back seat but hope he remains a passionate supporter of our club and is able to relax in the stands and enjoy watching the whole game instead of just through the camera lens. Thanks for everything Stan!! TOP MAN!!”