EGM Statement

An EGM (Extra ordinary meeting) was held at the football club on Sunday (21st October 2018) where members were asked to consider the amalgamation of what is currently the Football Club and the Social Club.
The thinking behind this was to try to simplify the work of running two sets of accounts, having two committees and two sets of admin. procedures. After discussion, it was agreed that the amalgamation should go ahead. You can read a full statement from Chairman Andy Wilding below.
An extra ordinary meeting of Felixstowe & Walton United Football Club was held in the clubhouse at Delwood Avenue on Sunday 21st October 2018 @ 11:00 hrs. The motion to be discussed and voted on was to amalgamate The Football club with the Community Social Club Ltd (by guarantee) and rename Felixstowe & Walton United Community Social Club Ltd (by guarantee) to Felixstowe & Walton United Football Club Ltd (by guarantee).
A good number of football club members attended the meeting along with the two directors of the Community Social club and following a good discussion relating to the Pro’s & Con’s of being a stand alone Football club and stand alone Social Club and the Pro’s & Con’s to being a single (amalgamated) entity, the voting resulted in a vast majority for an amalgamation. Of the votes cast there was only ONE against the motion and TWO abstentions. The result being carried that following a period of finalising Football Club & Social Club accounts (the cut off for the current financial year), the Intention is to notify Suffolk Coastal District Council (to amend the lease(s)), HM Revenue & Customs VAT office (to de-register the VAT registration of the Football Club) and Companies House to change the current name to the new name, effective the new financial year being 1st June 2019