Seasiders Media Group

Just a reminder if you are interested in joining the Felixstowe and Walton Media Group please contact:
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Our first meeting is on 27th June at 19:30
Felixstowe & Walton are forming a full media section within the club that will encompass ALL football from youth to U18, to EJA, to reserves to 1st team and the Felixstowe Academy.
With the new season soon approaching and the fact that the club has a completely new outlook (1st team to step 4 and reserves to step 6), the Junior EJA & youth sides, the launch of the Felixstowe academy, much should be done to promote the football club in order to have a sound footing and a solid platform to build on and take the club further in the coming years.
The type of areas that this will cover will be promoting to newspapers, website, social media, match day magazines (two required for first team and reserves), match day reports, match day videoing, interviews, photographs, the list is almost endless...
This cannot be carried out by a few selected people so we need a team of volunteers to come forward and get involved in our football club that is beginning to open the eyes on many who before now never knew we existed.
If you'd like to help us develop this new media team please get in contact.