Unlucky 13th for Felixstowe Firework Spectacular

Felixstowe Firework Spectacular CANCELLED due to Covid-19 in 2020
The 13th Annual Felixstowe Firework Spectacular has proved to be unlucky for the Club, and the Town of Felixstowe, as we have been forced to cancel plans for this years event.
The display has attracted almost 45,000 visitors in its 12 year history, raising vital funds for the Football Club and contributing thousands of pounds to local charities and good causes.
With Social Distancing almost certain to still be in place in November, it would have been impossible to ensure the event complied with Covid guidance.
Scaling back the event was also not an option. Felixstowe Firework Spectacular costs many thousands of pounds to put on each year, the entire funding coming from the Football Club with no outside support or grants available. After seeing income streams decimated over the last 5 months, the Club simply cannot take the risk of losing money by staging the event, although the overriding reason for cancelling is to ensure the safety of all our spectators, volunteers and traders.
It is hoped the Clubs largest fundraiser will be back bigger and better than ever in 2021, continuing to provide the Town with a large public display to be proud of.
Anyone interested in supporting the event in 2021 through sponsorship please contact Chris Daynes on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.