Covid- Return to football

Felixstowe & Walton United FC Junior Covid plan.
The FA have released guidance on re-starting football activity.
Clubs have to review the protocols and put in place Risk Assessments and comprehensive plans before commencing contact training.
A summary of the guidance can be found at the bottom of this page. The full guidance for grassroots football can be found here
Facility Risk Assessment here
Junior contact training Risk Assessment here
Parents will have to give express permission if you choose for your child to take part, you will need to give your written consent to the club and or coach. Ensure you are comfortable with the club’s Covid-19 planning arrangements before doing so. The form can be downloaded here
Everyone should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual Covid-19 infection you must not participate or attend. You should stay home and follow the latest Government guidance.
The Club are also following current ‘NHS test and trace’ protocols, such as keeping an attendance register. These details will be kept for 21 days.